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The Future
of the
Food System

Our food system today is dysfunctional, inequitable and unsustainable from the standpoints of its impacts on the environment, health and nutrition and in the way it treats animals. In the future, it must produce more, and better quality food with significantly less land, water, and substantially more sustainable use of inputs. It must also provide affordable, healthy and safe diets, and rely more on alternative sources of protein that are sustainable.


We are committed to creating a new food system by promoting a culture of food innovation driven especially by entrepreneurs, start-ups and larger companies leveraging the most promising technologies. This is why we created the Future Food Platform: to accelerate the transformation of the current food system by promoting game changing innovations and helping them reach scale.

Future Food Platform

The Future Food Platform focuses on taking game changing food innovations to scale so they can be profitable and have a dramatic impact on environmental sustainability, human health and nutrition


  • The Future Food Platform is where start-ups and larger companies working on food innovations can access the expertise of a global network of leading strategists and technical specialists working at the frontiers of food systems transformation.

  • Areas of innovation focus currently include: regenerative production systems; alternative proteins and cultured meat; nutrition science; branding, traceability, clean labeling and smart packaging; tech-enabled food service innovations and consumer science.

  • Our Platform provides access to a deep pool of subject matter experts based around the world who can be leveraged to support companies in activities ranging from formulating new products  and preparing nutrient profiles to prototyping and protecting intellectual property.

Our Clients
  • Start-ups in food and nutrition innovation and alternative proteins

  • Food, Beverage and Ingredient Manufacturers seeking partnerships or to invest in food and nutrition innovation and alternative proteins

  • International Organizations concentrating on food and nutrition innovations

  • Social Enterprises leveraging food and nutrition innovations to improve health and nutrition in key target groups and underserved populations

“Investing in innovation is the best pathway to transforming the food system, so that everyone can have access to affordable, healthy, nutritious, and sustainable diets.”
Marc Van Ameringen, on winning the UN Hunger Hero Award, World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland
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